Sour Cream Ice Cream with Deeply Toasted Nuts and Hot Honey
This dessert is so easy to make but tastes incredibly complex and sophisticated: an Orderves core mission. The ice cream is rich and silky, but has a tart brightness to it. It almost tastes like gelato’s answer to “original tart” flavored fro-yo, but only has four ingredients - and requires no machine!
If the nuts and hot honey aren’t for you, try serving it atop some grilled fruit! (Give them a shot though)
sour cream ice cream
Sour Cream Ice Cream with Deeply Toasted Nuts and Hot Honey
For the ice cream:
1½ cups sour cream
½ cup full fat Greek yogurt
1½ cups sweetened condensed milk (about one can)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Whisk all ingredients together until silky smooth and lumps are gone. Pour into a container and freeze for 6 hours, stirring every 1.5 hours or so.
For the nuts:
½ cup raw walnuts
½ cup raw pecans
1/3 cup salted and roasted peanuts
¼ cup salted and cashews
¼ cup sliced raw almonds
¼ cup white sesame seeds
This is a bit of a pain but it’s worth it: each of the nuts toast at slightly different temperatures for slightly different times. Over med-low heat in a dry pan toast the walnuts first, stirring frequently. Once toasted, transfer to a cutting board and roughly chop the nuts and put in a bowl. Repeat for the remaining nuts, wiping out the pan after each round. Keep the sesame seeds separate. As a basic rule, toast the nuts until you think they are about done, and then cook them for a few minutes longer. You want them to hover in that scary space right before burned. The nuts/ seeds have been listed in (rough) cook times from longest to shortest. You can play around with different types, but the sesame seeds are really cool in it. I tried pistachios in it and they were no bueno.
For the honey:
½ cup good quality honey
1 tsp red pepper flakes
Mix honey and pepper flakes together.
Everything can be done ahead of time. When you’re ready to serve:
1. Microwave the hot honey for a few seconds so it’s very liquidy.
2. Scoop the ice cream into each bowl.
3. Top with masses of nuts. Way more than you have ever used on a sundae.
4. Drizzle with super liquidy honey (it will solidify once it hits the ice cream)
5. Top the whole thing with your sesame seeds and serve.